this is the year of | expand.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

one little word.

One little word is all it takes to change your day, your year, your life. Every year since 2007, Ali Edwards has been hosting "One Little Word" on her blog. She encourages you to pick one little word to live by throughout the upcoming year. I participated this year for the first time and the word I chose was: love.

This was such a great experience that I decided to go for it again. My 2011 word is: create. I chose this word myself. I knew that I needed to do more of creating and I wanted to do more of it in 2011 and each successive year. I know what the basics of the word create are. Here's a dictionary definition...


[kree-eyt] Show IPA verb, -at·ed, -at·ing, adjective
–verb (used with object) : to evolve from one's own thought or imagination, as a work of art or an invention.
Now, that's a textbook definition. I hope that throughout the year of 2011, I am able to accomplish the task of creating (see, what I did there? :)) my own definition for my one little word. I hope that this word will guide me throughout the year and remind me to take time for myself. I'm hoping that I can create oodles of things throughout the year... whether it be layouts, cards, mini books, canvases. Whatever it is... I just want to be creating it! 
Do you have one little word? Share it with me! 

Be back tomorrow with my Top 10 layouts of 2010! 

xoxo - Kasey

*Sorry for the wonky layout of that last paragraph. Blogger is fighting me!